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Question: Multiple choice American History Questions!.!.!?!?
Why was Truman unwilling to support Ho Chi Minh in his war with the French!?

A!. Ho was not willing to back Truman's 1948 presidential election
B!. Ho had communist connections
C!. Ho has supported the Japanese during WWII
D!. Truman wanted to focus his attention to the spread of communism in Europe

What event caused the Japanese to pull out of Vietnam in 1945!?

A!.The Japanese lost a war with the Vietminh
B!. War with France
C!. Surrender to the Allied Powers
D!. War with ChinaWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Why was Truman unwilling to support Ho Chi Minh in his war with the French!?

Ho Chi Minh had communist connections!.

What event caused the Japanese to pull out of Vietnam in 1945!?

Surrender to the Allied Powers


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