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Position:Home>History> In the early 1900's... aka, the victorian era..?

Question: In the early 1900's!.!.!. aka, the victorian era!.!.!?
in the victorian era, 1900's, they had medicine!. and i cant find any, i was wandering if someone could name me 4-5 medicines they had back then, and what it was used for!. please and thank you, 10 points!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
During the Victorian Era, morphine & opium were used!. Laudanum was a common sleeping medicine!. The drug also acted as a painkiller, and a cough suppressant; laudanum also prevented loose bowels!.

Check out these sites about Victorian medicine:

In the early 1900's they didn't have injections or anesthesia!. Most of the remedies were home made or store bought items!. For example one of their remedies was alcohol, used to cure things such as toothaches!. The first sugery that a doctor used anesthesia was used to remove a tumor from the lower jaw!. As the man lay there sniffing the anesthesia from a cup he suddenly became unconscious!. The doctor started to remove the tumor!. The people who were waiting outside anxiously heard no screams from inside; the doctor came out declaring, "It worked!" When the man awoke he decared he'd felt no pain!. This was the first time that anesthesia was used during a surgery successfully!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Speaker: Julie J!. Wilt (Applied Archaeological Research)
Families that formerly occupied what is now site 45CL582 in downtown Vancouver consumed remarkable amounts of proprietary and other medicines as indicated by the nearly 700 bottles that were recovered during Applied Archaeological Research’s excavations at the site in 2003-2004!. Proprietary medicines were mass-produced and mass-marketed in the American Victorian era!. They contained undisclosed and often dangerous ingredients and were sold directly to the public without a prescription!. At site 45CL582, as elsewhere in the country during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, these “cures” and “remedies” were purchased and consumed by people of all incomes, status, and levels of education!. The enormous popularity of proprietary medicines is attributed in part to the budding advertising industry the ineffectiveness of conventional medicine!. This paper examines patent medicines and their associated ephemera as objects of American popular culture that were an inescapable part of everyday life!.
Julie J!. Wilt has been a consulting archaeologist in the Pacific Northwest for over 15 years, working on prehistoric and historic and era sites throughout the area!.
For questions, contact Virginia Butler, 5-3303 or Michael Schurke, mcschurk@pdx!.edu!.

One did say they "purged" people by giving them high doses of laxatives!.

Try this web site!. Very interesting!.

The Victorian era ended in 1901 (having started 1837) when Queen Victoria died January 22nd and was succeeded by the Edwardian era of her son, King Edward VII (the Edwardian era ran 1901 to his death in 1910)!. So save a year and twenty-two days the Victorian era did not extend into the early 1900s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com