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Position:Home>History> Do many people only want to hear and read about the Holocaust victims and not th

Question: Do many people only want to hear and read about the Holocaust victims and not the perpetrators!?
All right if you want to read this guy Elie Wiesel or the "Anne Frank's Diary"!. Understandible!. Wiesel I have my personal doubts but let's leave that out!. But only reading about the victims, like that "Maus" comics, will never give you a clear picture!. You have to read, whether you like it or not, the Nazis!. And why they did it!. And aspects of European history, especially since the days of Richard Wagner [German composer], Otto von Bismarck [German chancellor] and Friedrich Nietzsche [German philosopher]!. Let say the history of Germany and Austria, plus Europe entirely, since the 1870s!. Tough!? Well reading a comic book like "Maus" gives you too short information!. Feedback, please!.
P!.S!.: See wikipedia for information of the historical characters mentioned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Interesting!. Actually, among Holocaust survivors and scholars, the History Channel is often referred to as the Hitler Channel because it focuses on the perpetrators so frequently!. This isn't to say that at times it doesn't include interviews with survivors in its programming, but shows like "High Hitler" or "Hitler's Family"!? Or the many series shown like "The S!.S!."!? Sounds fairly perpetrator-focused to me!.

Someone like survivor and author Primo Levi has something to say on this subject, as well, in case you'd like to get a victim's view on studying the perpetrator (HINT: he's against it)!.

All of that being said, I begin literature of the Holocaust courses by looking at the propaganda spread by the Nazis, including texts geared for children, and organizations like the Hitler Youth!. I do personally see value in studying the psychology and ethical choices of victims, perpetrators, bystanders, and resistors!. BUT, if the perpetrators had had their way, we wouldn't be discussing the victims at all!. Do remember that when we focus attention on the victims, we're also honoring them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not sure!. i thenk if u wan a complete picture of what happened u wud have to see both sides, liek see why this happened an stuff!. maybe stories from the good guys veiw is more popular!?!? ? for entertainment!. not nessesarilly history, or knowledge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you wasted your time and my time just nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

i can tell you why Hitler hated the Jews and why the Nazis killed the them for him!.

Hitler's Hate: Jews had money and Hitler grew up a poor child!.

Nazi's Reasons: They wanted to feel like they belongs somewhere, and they knew that if they helped Hitler, huge luxuries would come!.

The point is most people want to feel like they are lucky, so they read about unfortunate happenings!. I also think that maybe if people read a book from a Nazi's point of veiw they would start to understand more and maybe even come to like the characters!. Not because they agree, but because you tend to grow fond of the people who you read about!. Even if they are evil bastards!.

Interesting question, by the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree, i find it all fascinating - both aspects, victim and perpertrator!. you need to understand the perps side without a doubt!. its such a difficult situation!. on one hand you want to damn the perps for taking part but on the other hand, some of them only took part to survive themselves!. survival instinct right!? i mean these people werent just monstors, germany wasnt breeding an evil population!.!.!.they got swept away in the problems and for some reason some decided to take part in the insanity!.

i havent had the opportunity to read from the perps side as much as i would liek to, but ill prob do that this summer!. ive been studying europe in the 19th century, so yeah im starting to get more of an idea about anti-semitism in europe and the issues in prussia, habsburg!.!.!.europe in general

i think its really interesting that the countries formed by nationalism and revolution (E!.g!. Italy and Germany) are the ones that fell to fascismWww@QuestionHome@Com