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Position:Home>History> How the understanding of history effect on Yeats when writing the Dreaming of th

Question: How the understanding of history effect on Yeats when writing the Dreaming of the bones!?
how history understanding affect on Yeats and poets from the end of the empire period !? how they understand their history in representing their present!? for Yeats am only intersted on Dreaming of the Bones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sounds like you have to write a term paper on Yeats "Dreaming of the Bones!."
Read the poem!.
Try to figure it out!.
Go to the Library - they will help you!.
Your "question" makes any helpful response impossible!.
But we musn't dare try to give you any information other than that on Yeats and this particular poem!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com