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Position:Home>History> Where there any allied plots to assinate Hitler or any other high ranking Nazis?

Question: Where there any allied plots to assinate Hitler or any other high ranking Nazis!?
apart from the assination of Reinhard Heydrich!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The assassination by British SOE agents of Reinhard Heydrich at Prague (Praha) in Czechoslovakia is well documented!.

Prague : Heydrich Assassination 1942
There are some clips of this, plus some from the 1976 film, on Youtube:- !.!.!. Its title is "SS - 3 The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich" and its is !.!.!.

However, what is not so well documented is an attempt (aborted) on the life of Adolf Hitler made by the audacious SAS!. They sent two SAS men into the forest approaching Adolf Hitlers Alpine retreat at Birchtesgarten!.

It seems likely that the SAS also murdered Rodolf Hess - probably to stop him hopening his fat mouth about things and such : -

Murder, Not Suicide
On the basis of Prof!. Spann's autopsy report, the affidavits of the Tunisian medical orderly and the South African attorney, as well as the supposed "suicide letter," I can only conclude that the death of Rudolf Hess on the afternoon of August 17, 1987, was not suicide!. It was murder!.

Although US authorities were officially in charge of the Allied Military Prison in Berlin-Spandau in August 1987, it is noteworthy that British citizens played such a major role in the final act of the Hess drama!. The American director, Mr!. Keane, was permitted by the British merely to call me and inform me of my father's death!. After that his only duty was to keep his mouth shut!.

To sum up here:

The two men the Tunisian orderly Melaouhi saw in American uniform, who were most probably Rudolf Hess' murderers, were from a British SAS regiment!.
The death was established in the British Military Hospital, to where my father was brought in a British ambulance!.
The death certificate is signed only by British military personnel!.
The autopsy was carried out by a British Pathologist!.
The British prison director, Mr!. Antony Le Tissier, supervised the prompt destruction of all tell-tale evidence, such as the electric cable, the garden house, and so forth!.
The officials of the Special Investigation Branch (SIB) that investigated the death were all British citizens, and were headed by a British major!.
The alleged "suicide note" was supposedly found two days later in the pocket of Hess' jacket by a British officer, and was examined by a British laboratory!.
Mr!. Allan Green, the British Director of Public Prosecution, halted an investigation into my father's death begun by Scotland Yard, which had recommed a "full scale murder investigation" after officials there had found many inconsistencies!.

Rudolf Hess did not commit suicide on August 17, 1987, as the British government claims!. The weight of evidence shows instead that British officials, acting on high-level orders, murdered my father!.

I think during the war proper Winston was did not really want to encourge people to go off and try to kill Hitler!. The reason being is that he thought that if Hitler were to be killed, then the SS, Gestapo and SD would simply take over and there would then follow a blood bath!.

Remember that Hitler often threatened people who opposed him by saying they would drown in their own blood!.

The man was quite insane and should have been quietly disposed of while still a child!. It would have been much kinder!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

After the breakout from Normandy in June of 1944, Churchill allegedly received a message from the German High Command (military leaders0 via the Argentine Embassy!. The message stated that the Generals and Colonels would kill Hitler, Himmler, Goering and Goebbels, along with the rest of the Nazi leadership if the Allies would stop fighting!.

Churchill gave it a lot of thought and even called Roosevelt on the telephone to discuss it!. They had considered and rejected Allied plans to kill Hitler, and they rejected this one, too, because as long as Hitler continued to micro-manage the German efforts, then the Germans would lose!.

Simply put, they decided that it was "better the devil they knew, then the one they did not!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

No - - - despite a plethora of speculation the Allies were not in the habit of plotting to knock off National Leaders - - - in fact that sort of thinking didn't pop until the paranoia of the cold war!. Any thought of bumping off Hitler was temprered by the notion that some other shlub would simply take over and in fact bumping off Hitler could make matters worse becaue that schlub could then argue that "Gee, Hitler made us do it," and thus argue for more favorable surrender terms!. The longer that the Germans clung to their Fuhrer and did nothing to get rid of him the deeper their guilt was the prevailing wisdom!.


PS The 1939 assasination attempt was purely a disgruntled German however the NAZIs played up British involvement as an excuse for violating Dutch turf when they kidnapped a British Spy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes there was this is from horible histories!.!.!.!.!.'the woeful second world war' by terry deary

"8th november 1939 six people killed when bomb explodes in munich beer hall!. It was meant to kill hitler - but he left 15 mins before it exploded!. Hitler lives - now millions will die in the second world war"Www@QuestionHome@Com

The SOE had a plan to assassinate Hitler that was never put into operation:


There were supposedly several plots!.!.!.!.Sadly they came to nothing, millions of lives would have been saved if they had!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com