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Position:Home>History> How is Kaiser Wilhelm II generally perceived by the world?

Question: How is Kaiser Wilhelm II generally perceived by the world!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
His passion for military splendour and his firm belief in the right of his Hohenzollern dynasty's divine right to rule makes him seem archaic now!. He had a quick intelligence but a very uneven temper , he could be quarrelsome and his attempts at diplomatic initiatives were ill-judged and an embarassment to his own advisers and foreign statesmen alike, so he was difficult to work with!. During WW1 he was a mere figurehead and not the great commanding general popular opinion believed him to be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Today!? He isn't perceived outside of Western Europe except in academic circles and with history buffs!. In Western Europe, outside of Germany, he is a crazy (long) dead man who liked boats and really liked his boats!. In Germany, it depends on who you ask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com