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Position:Home>History> The Dutch tried to dominate the clove trade by?

Question: The Dutch tried to dominate the clove trade by!?
The Dutch tried to dominate the clove trade by!?

destroying the crops produced by the English and the Portuguese!.

persuading close growers to grow only flowers and not cloves!.

limiting cultivation of the crop to one island and forcing others to stop the growing and trade of the spice!.

undercutting their competitors by raising the price of Dutch clove!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Dutch tried to dominate the clove trade by!?

limiting cultivation of the crop to one island and forcing others to stop the growing and trade of the spice!.
See http://www!.encyclopedia!.com/doc/1E1-clov!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com