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Question: 10 history questions!.!. the person to get the most right wins!?
btw I already know the answer to these questions

The Lewis and Clark expedition produced which of the following results!?

a relationship with some Native Americans, with help from Sacajawea

tall tales about gigantic Indians and a mountain of salt

stimulation of interest in the West

new geographic information

all of these

Chartered in 1816, this institution greatly expanded the amount of credit available in the United States:

The Treasury Department

The U!.S!. mint

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

The First Bank of the United States

The Second Bank of the United States

The Louisiana Purchase included the valuable port city of



Port Arthur

San Francisco

New Orleans

The Treaty of Greenville

opened most of modern-day Ohio to white settlement and ended Indian hostilities there for a number of years

opened New Orleans to American shippers and guaranteed American rightsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Lewis and Clark expedition produced which of the following results!?

all of these

Chartered in 1816, this institution greatly expanded the amount of credit available in the United States:

The Second Bank of the United States

The Louisiana Purchase included the valuable port city of

New OrleansWww@QuestionHome@Com