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Position:Home>History> Information About Warwick Castle?

Question: Information About Warwick Castle!?
Could anyone tell me any information about Warwick Castle!. I have a project to do about a castle of my choice and I chose this one!. Could anyone please give me the following:

Dates- Battles e!.c!.t!.
Residents- People who lived there
Important Events- Was there anything important that went on there!?
Other- Any other interesting facts


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I used to live just about a mile from there!.

Read "KENILWORTH" by Sir Walter Scott and that will give you the flavor of what was going on when Queen Elizabeth 1 was living at Warwick!. That is an interesting place!. The parking lot is where the old Jousting field was and in the low area to the West, that was flooded so they could hold naval battles in the lake that was formed!. Warwick castle was built by Lester for the Queen to rule from

Google it!.!.!. there should be tons of information on Warwick Castle or at least on Queen Elizabeth 1st!.

Allow several hours to walk around if you visit it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A fortified town (burh) was first established at Warwick by Aethelflaed, widow of King Ethelred, in 914-6!. The town was fortified against the threat of Danish invasions!.
After the Norman Conquest in 1066, William the Conqueror moved northwards from London, to subdue resistance in the Midlands and Northern England!. He founded castles at Warwick and Nottingham, run by his Norman barons!. The castle at Warwick was founded in 1086!.

At the time of Domesday, 1086, the only towns in what is now the county of Warwickshire were Warwick, Tamworth and Coventry!. Warwick had a population of around 1800!.Www@QuestionHome@Com