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Position:Home>History> What other methods did the Nazi's use to wipe out minorities?

Question: What other methods did the Nazi's use to wipe out minorities!?
Other than the concentration camps!.!.!.what else was there!?!.!.!.!.i need websites!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, Dr!. Mengele was a notorious doctor for his experiments not only on twins, but "abnormal" people in general - if someone was unusually tall, short, had multiples (twins, triplets, etc), he wanted to research them!. But this was for research - Mengele's goal in researching twins was to find out how twins form, and to recreate this (which was sort of pointless, since twins are actually an "accident!.") He wanted to recreate the method of twins to expedite the process of spreading the German race!. He also did various research experiments relating to disease, temperature, etc, but I won't get into that!.

Although we generally hear about the Jews as victims, the Nazis also made it a point to exterminate all physically and mentally disabled people (since the Nazi party felt that they were not "fit" to reproduce!.) The Nazis would go to hospitals, and asylums where these people stayed, and they would kill them (they had many ways - but it was on purpose) and they would tell the families that their relative died from some disease or complication, etc!.

Although this wasn't directly killing the victims, the Nazi used sterlization as a method of genocide as well!. The idea of genocide is to wipe out a group of people - sterlization was used on a variety of peple (physically/mentally disabled mainly, and on other victims for research)!. The goal of sterlization was to stop the people whom the Nazis saw "unfit" to reproduce from reproducing - so if they couldn't reproduce, they wouldn't have kids, and that would be the end of that group of people!.

Hope that helps, I hope you continue researching, but try to use only !.org and !.edu websites - not all information on the Internet is factual/true, especially in regards to genocide/Holocaust!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you look up Dr!. Josef Mengele, he was a physician at the Auschwitz concentration camp!.!.basically what he did is he experimented with humans!. He was obsessed with studying twins so he would try and find ways to see how each is similar to one another and he was also trying to inject things into eyes to find out why they are blue, or if we can change colors of them!. He also dissected infants and experimented by shocking women with electricity to see how long they can endure the pain!.

Here's a link that can help you out!.!.!.I did a report on him!.!.soo I got some information from here, and from the book "Boys from Brazil" by Ira Levin


They didn't it was all war time propaganda!. There were not even any gas chambers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com