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Position:Home>History> What was the Idea of the Anyan Superman?

Question: What was the Idea of the Anyan Superman!?
I need to know why Hitler was in favor of this idea!.!.!.!.i need websites!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The idea of a super-race of Aryans was favorable to Hitler because he could easily blame other groups (Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals,mentally and physically handicapped, etc!.) for Germany's shortcomings, which also made it easier to rally Germans for other projects which Hitler had in mind, including gaining, by any means, large areas and countries to give Germany living space imprisoning homosexuals, any political opponents (especially Communists), the euthanasia or sterilizing the mentally ill, and his obsession with ethnic cleansing!.
Look under "Nazism" at Wikipedia!. It has a pretty thorough article and a bunch of links!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you need to go back a lot further than WWII for that!.

I think it started with groups of people who had trouble coping with the industrial reveloution!.

There was a Doco on it recently on the Discovery Channel!. I think it was called "The Third Riche and the Occult"!.

According to this doco, it all started in the late 19th century!. with groups promoting a racial super group called Aryans, who were supposed to have some sort of phsyic abilities, but were so interbread with sub humans that these powers were supressed!.

if you can get hold of the doco yourself it could answer a lot of your questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com