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Position:Home>History> Why did Hitler hate the Jewish people?

Question: Why did Hitler hate the Jewish people!?
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There are a lot of rumors!. But I believe personally that he just needed a scapegoat!. If you look back on Germany at the time it was the Great Depression and the whole world was going through hard times!. Jews have always been a scapegoat, and they were the only people with money at the time because if your a minority you have to work hard to get somewhere right!? So they had money, the Christian Germans didn't so they were blamed for the whole depression and Hitler came to power and attempted genocide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

actually he didn't just hate jewish people he hated every one who wasn't white or at least realativly white and he wanted them to be of the same religion because he thought that that was how the world should be and that is why he killed them because to him they were scum who should have never been born but to me it sounded that he took the religion as a race also and i heard that he had some sort of mental thing going on you know but what he did wasn't right because i saw a movie about the jews and that was cruel they didn't even do anything and they took their lives and if not they took their families, friends, and things which was mostly their lives!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler exploited the Germans peoples distrust of the Jewish population in order to gain power and focus the peoples attention on a war !. Very similar today with the current anti-Moslem crusade , convince people that Islam wants to convert the World by force , you scare enough people and the nation can prosecute a war to exploit the Mid Easts wealth !. You have to remember the Nazi policy of racial extermination was applicable to Gypsies as well , these two groups in Europe were always seen as outsiders and not of Europe!. Hitlers hate of Jewish people would of been no more nor less than any other persons in Europe , in fact not one document has been found with Hitlers signature on it , concerning the Holocaust !. I am not saying he was unaware of it , but others in Germany had a mission to exterminate unwanted minorities !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think even he knew the answer to that one!. some people would say that he was insane, after all what sane person would even continplate the things that were done then!. I personally don't think so, being insane is to good an excuse for him, and takes away the responsibility of what happened!. Under the law to be considered insane, a person must not know that what they did was wrong!. I think Hitler knew what he was ordering was wrong, because he never signed any of the orders personally!. He always got people like Himmler and Heydrich to do that for him!.

I think he was just evil!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People hate what they can't understand!. I think that Hitler didn't really understand their culture, and also, Jewish people have been playing the part of scapegoat throughout history!. Only Hitler really knows why he hated them, and so I guess we can never truly know!. It's an interesting thing to think about, isn't it!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

well basically from history on another level, Hitler apparently lost his mother from a type of disease which her doctor at the time , which was jewish couldnt help her!. as though the other post may be correct, this factor was the ignition to his hatred!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because of the Zionist Movement and their Protocols!. Not because Judaism!.

My 2 cents!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read Mein Kampf if you want an answer to your question!.


Because Hitler read a lot of racist books in his teens and his mind was brainwashed by those books!. He also believed that all Jews are Communists aiming to destroy Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He felt they weren't pure "white," racially speaking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com