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Position:Home>History> Greatest country of the past 1000 years?

Question: Greatest country of the past 1000 years!?
what has been the most influencial important and for lack of a better term "greatest" country of the past 1000 years!.

i wanna see facts folks factsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
United Kingdom!.
The industrial revolution
internal combustion engine
jet engine
World's largest empireWww@QuestionHome@Com

How can you choose just one !?

influential: Roma ("Italia") : creator and developer of civil engineering: durable road construction, large scale architecture, plumbing - water supply to cities, and sewers, national defense, and the foundations of civil law

important: Vatican, freed people from the atrocity of the slavery and gladiator system of the Roman Empire's ways

Important: Bohemia, the first nation to institute human rights, an example for the future of the western world which we should appreciate but maybe take forgranted!.

Influential: Prussia, the little country that grew big and strong, with military discipline that England learned from to develop and maintain the British Empire, and similar 'discipline' that made the industrial revolution a major part of modern wealth and development!. Germany, certainly influential for contributing wide variety of philosophy and scientific developments, philosophers such as Karl Marx, Nietsche, Schiller, Martin Luther, etc, scientists such as Diesel, Einstein, Max Planck, Werner von Braun, inventions such as bicycles, internal combustion engines, cars, jet engines, diesel fuel, x-rays, superhighways, etc!.!.!.

Influential: England, the most wide-spread Empire in the world, ever, and set the foundations of the United StatesWww@QuestionHome@Com

China!. 80% of today's products have a chinese orgin!. Diabetes was discover by the chinese although it had a different name "The Great Thrist"!. They even gave a treatment for it!. China's Empire lasted thousands of years longer than The Roman Empire!. It also brought down the Roman Empire by selling Silk and taking all of Rome's gold!. Where would we be if China didn't exist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Britain!. Its culture and cultural predecessors have shaped the world!. Everyone person in the first world basically lives British!. ranging from what you listen to, to what you wear and eat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Great Britain, England, of course, no one else comes Close!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com