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Position:Home>History> How long did it take to build Pharaoh Khufu's Pyramid?

Question: How long did it take to build Pharaoh Khufu's Pyramid!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The 5th century BC Greek historian Horodotus wrote that it took 100,000 slaves and 20 years to build, but newer studies state that it took less time and that the people who built it participated because they needed income!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well they initially built it in a day using straw, but the big bad wolf came and blew it down!. So they rebuilt the pyramid, this time out of sticks, but again the big bad wolf blew it down!. So finally they built the pyramid out of brick, again the wolf returned and he huffed and puffed but he could not blow down that brick pyramid!.

So by my calculations it must have taken 3 days in total!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It took 100,000 laborers twnty years to build Pharoah Khufu's pyramid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com