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Position:Home>History> I am researching the Italian Renaissance, any ideas where to find information?

Question: I am researching the Italian Renaissance, any ideas where to find information!?
basically, I trying to narrow down the period in which it started!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Against this political and economic background stands the cultural development of Italy in the 14th and 15th centuries!. The term Italian Renaissance has not gone unchallenged; its meaning and boundaries have aroused much controversy!. From the 1340s the idea of “rebirth” was a commonplace in critical writing!. Authors spoke of how, with Dante and Giotto, both poetry and painting had been “reborn,” and in the following two centuries the same notion was often applied to other areas such as architecture, sculpture, and philosophy!. In this period, “rebirth” was always used in connection with some intellectual or artistic skill; it was not until the 19th century that historians such as the French Jules Michelet and then, above all, the Swiss Jacob Burckhardt (whose The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy was first published in German at Basel, Switz!., in 1860) began to write of the Renaissance as a period of time!.

Taken from the Encyclopedia Britannica Online (check your local library Web site for access to this database)

Other sites that may help!.!.!.

Renaissance means rebirth!. It started in 1350 to 1550!.Www@QuestionHome@Com