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Position:Home>History> Were the Mongol armies guilty of Terrorism?

Question: Were the Mongol armies guilty of Terrorism!?
Hey everyone, just wanted to get some opinnions from the public about an editorial!. Answer freely, and maybe I might add (and cite you ;D) the comment to the thing!. also, this is a legit article I'm working on, so if you want to comment it would help if you used an argument or some sort of example!. Thanks peoples!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well I'm not sure if "terrorism" is the right word!. Raping and pillaging villages was a way of life!. Did they strike terror into foes - absolutely but that was the culture!. In fact as the Mongol armies approached an area of Eastern Europe - many of the Eastern European tribes (or barbarian) would look for protection from Rome (specifically the Eastern Roman Empire in Constantinople)!. So were the Mongol's using terrorism for political goals - yes - as they were coming, people would get out of the way and leave there lands to them with very little violence!.

The Mongol's were ruthless to conquered people!. I can't even recall a time where they "went lightly" on an opponant!. The only good thing is they generally didn't stay in one place for a long period of time!. They were a nomadic people but when they were coming - you better watch out!. However, I don't think the Mongol fighters were using "terrorism" as much as the violence it lived by was the culture they lived in - certainly the people who lived in the path of the Mongols would consider them terrorists!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Mongols were effective and ruthless conquerors!. They were not indiscriminate - if a city surrendered as the Mongols approached that city was spared from looting or other reprisals!. If a city resisted, or even worse killed the Mongol ambassadors, no quarter was given and the city was destroyed!. If they killed the ambassadors the population was slaughtered!. This is where the mounds of skulls came from!.

Once the conquests were complete there was a long period of effective peace within the empire!. Communications were unbelievably fast and efficient!. The only reason Marco Polo got to China was that, for most of his journey, he was within the Mongol empire and could travel with perfect safety!.

The Mongols became the Yuan dynasty of China, and reigned for hundreds of years with perfect decorum until overthrown by the Ming (who were also, originally, a people of the steppes)!. The Mughal emperors of India had Mongol origins!. The Mughals were a highly civilised, and usually tolerant, bunch of rulers!.

Were they terrorists - yes, in the sense that they used terror as an instrument of policy!. They are not the only imperialists who have done that!. The Mongols have suffered from centuries of bad press, as the history most of us know is Eurocentric!. The Mongols are feared outsiders, and what we read of them should be understood in the light of the inevitable biases of history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Almost every country in the world is guility of Terrorism!. In 1903, in order to help gain control of the land to build the Panama Canal!. Teddy Roosevelt funded terrorists to attack the Colombian government!.
You should do a article about the times America has funded, directed or committed terrorism itself!. There have been dozens, if not hundreds of cases!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

trying to enforce modern mentality into the past is never a good thing!. The values and concepts of today don't fit the past!. The Mongols were invaders and conquerors like many before and after them!. They were one of the more successful ones!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would never read an article by you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com