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Position:Home>History> Treatment of African Americans in the 1920's?

Question: Treatment of African Americans in the 1920's!?
I am trying to find some websites that have info regarding the racism against and treatment of African Americans during the 1920's!.

Any help!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I hope this one helps:


I also found this:






If you do a search on a specific topic such as lynchings in the 1920s or jazz in the 1920s, you might find more detailed information!. I think that the history of jazz and racism are closely intertwined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bad!. There is no other way to describe it!. Plenty of porn stars routinely do what would have been a death sentence for a black man back then!. Bi-racial sex existed!. But it was hidden!. Taboo!. And that existed a long time after as Barbara Waters recent admission of a bi-racial affair when she was young proves!. Job discrimination was terrible and in some areas it persisted in the south even in WWII defense plants!. All types of social discrimination in the south like apartheid in South Africa!. I don't defend it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
