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Position:Home>History> Help!! History, sectional issues....civil war?

Question: Help!! History, sectional issues!.!.!.!.civil war!?
Hey guys, according to my book sectional issues was a cause of the civil war!. However, I would like to know if this includes!.!.!.Lincoln's victory, maybe disruption of the democratic party, tell me whatever you know about sectional issues!. ThanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The South felt the North and West were joining together against the South!. The North and West supported a central transcontinental railroad, high tariffs to protect American businesses, and internal improvements paid with taxpayer money!. The South opposed all of those!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hello!. Lincoln's victory in 1860 and his platform was a surprise for all of America at that time!. he Republican was brand-spankin' new them, and much of the nation wondered how far his presented platform would go, in fact!. His anti-slavery statement was a shock, and south Carolina reacted first, and WITHDREW from the Nation!. good luck with your research!. : {Www@QuestionHome@Com