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Position:Home>History> How were the russian revolution of march 1917 and the chinese revolution of 1911

Question: How were the russian revolution of march 1917 and the chinese revolution of 1911 alike!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The 2 revolutions were not alike:
1) the indigenous Hans were aligned towards driving the Manchus out of China, since 1626, when the Manchus occupied China; while the bolshevik revolution was the revolution of the proletariats against the feudal lords and ruling classes!.
2) while 1911 revolution was nationalistic in nature, in the ouster of the Manchus, the oppressed workers' revolution in 1917 was economic;
3) only similarity of both revolutions (as in most successful revolutions) was the ouster of the ruling classes;Www@QuestionHome@Com