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Position:Home>History> Wat were the methods used by africans to obtain independence from europeans in s

Question: Wat were the methods used by africans to obtain independence from europeans in setler regimes!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Africans were unable to muster any sort of real resistance to the colonial powers, such as France & Britian, that were constantly raping and pillaging the continent!. A reason for this is that the Transatlantic slave trade had taken out huge portions of populations and led to fighting and civil wars and regional money hungry war lords!. Only after WWII and the demise of European powers were the Africans able to declare their independence!. The primary reason that Africa is in such chaos today is that the European powers arbitrarily drew up the boundaries of African nations with no regards to tradtional tribal clan boundaries!. Thus one nation would have two different tribal factions that hated and wanted to kill one another, see the Rwandan Genocide!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Umm I'm not sure exactly what your question is - but African Americans did gain independence in the US from slavery through the American Civil War!. They also gained rights from the Reconstruction Amendments, and various Civil Rights movements!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They ran awayWww@QuestionHome@Com