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Position:Home>History> Articles of confederation...?

Question: Articles of confederation!.!.!.!?
to what what extent did they provide an effective form of government pertaining western land, foreign relations and/or economic conditions!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
With foreign relations the states had no power, it was the Congress that would have the power to make treaties and to greet kings etc!.
They could engage in war if necessary, but a state could not!.
They could also settle disputes between the states like the Supreme court!.
They regulated the money through fixing the standard weights, regulating trade and managing the affairs with the Indians!. A committee would also regulate the finances of the United States, borrowing money to pay for bills!.
The best thing you can do for this question is read all the articles and get a feel for it!. They are really easy to understand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com