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Question: A question about the Roman Empire!?
When did Rome approxemitly fall!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On of the most often asked question on yahoo!. The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD - that would be the official date!. Aleric the Goth from the East sacked Rome 408 AD and some can use that answer!. However 476 AD Rome officially packed it in!.

The Eastern Roman Empire, where Constantinople was the capital, fell in 1453!. If you had asked a citizen of Constantinople what there nationality was in 1450, they would say "I'm Roman"!.

The sack of Rome in 406 by Aleric was a direct result of the actions of the Eastern Roman Empire's decision to screw over it's neighbors!. Sort of an interesting development that you should read about!. How the domino's fell in place the eventually ended one of the greatest political/cultural/scientific/military states the world has ever witness!.

I wrote my thesis on the a man named Justinian!. He was the last Eastern Roman Emperor who tried to reconquer the old Roman Empire!. He did this around 520 AD, but he was pretty much the last real link between the old Roman way of life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

AD 476
Many say the Fall was an ongoing process lasting more than a century!. Since Rome still exists, it could even be argued it never fell but it was the end of the Empire of romeWww@QuestionHome@Com