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Position:Home>History> What three items did king charles give joan of arc?

Question: What three items did king charles give joan of arc!?
PLEASE help!! oh and if u dont know dont guess please!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a guess but, according to various sites on the Maid, the King (at Chinon in 1429) might have given her:

An army of about five thousand men
A fine war horse
Her white armour (made exactly to her body)

Apparently, the King offered her a sword, but she refused, finding one near the tomb of a saint!.

I may well be wrong, but surely she couldn't have acquired these valuable things just by herself!?

http://www!.authorama!.com/famous-men-of-t!.!.!. (about half way down)

"Instead of the sword the king offered her, she begged that search might be made for an ancient sword buried, as she averred, behind the altar in the chapel of Ste-Catherine-de-Fierbois!. It was found in the very spot her voices indicated!. There was made for her at the same time a standard bearing the words Jesus, Maria, with a picture of God the Father, and kneeling angels presenting a fleur-de-lis!."

Something quite interesting here:

"Joan of Arc never claimed to have a coat of arms, but rather, arms were given to her brothers by Charles VII without her request and without revelation!. At one point, she described these arms to a painter when he asked what arms she bore!. Upon the coronation of Charles VII, Joan did, however, make two requests: permission to return home to her mother, and the remittal of taxes on her village!. On December 29, 1429, in praise of her great deeds, King Charles VII officially remitted the taxes on the people of Domrémy and enobled the d'Arc lineage in perpetuity by granting them the surname "du Lys"!."

"Joan was provided with a suit of armor and a banner with a picture of “Our Savior” holding the world with two angels at the sides!."


Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com