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Position:Home>History> Weapon that won/ended WWII?!?

Question: Weapon that won/ended WWII!?!!?
My history teacher is bringing in the "weapon" or "item" or something that won or ended WWII!. He's bringing it to the school and to class so it obviously cant be extremely huge or heavy!.

also, he said its kept in a refridgerator!.
Everyones guessing, and I'm so CURIOUS!!
Anyone have any ideas!?!
You can just take a guess if you'd like!.

Uhmm!.!.!.!. I guess the one that makes most sense gets Best Answer and 10 POINTS!!

Anyways, thankyou to those who answer!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
" An Army Marches On It's Stomach " It must be food!. Hershey's Chocolate Bars and Spam would be my first two and best guesses!. Camel's and Lucky Strike Cigarettes would be my third and fourth items!. Perhaps he has found a K-Ration or a C-Ration!. Ask your teacher if it was C-Ration or Sea-Ration!. Included in C-Rations was a chocolate bar, some malted milk tablets, some unsalted saltine crackers, a pack of cigarettes, spam or another package of dried meat and maybe some other items!. When I was a kid, way back when Moses was still a baby, my family would spend holiday weekends camping out on the beach between Galveston and Port Arthur, Texas!. We would occasionally find a sealed can of C-Rations washed up on the beach and would delight in opening it up and sampling the fare that it contained!. Those cans had been thrown overboard from military Transport Ships out in the Gulf Of Mexico!. The cans were about five inches square and about a foot long!. They were shiny and were probably galvanized so they would not rust!. However, these rations were not refrigerated!. They were vacuum packed in cans so they would last for long periods of time unrefrigerated!. Explosives (Dynamite) is rather stable if kept cold and very unstable if allowed to get too warm!. Hey! Take a day off from school and tell the teacher that you were afraid that he/she was bringing a stick of dynamite to class and you did not want to be there because of the possible danger!. Just chew and swallow this answer before you tell him that, please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They were: little boy, and fatman, two atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki!. Mambo jumbo: My history teacher is bringing in the "weapon" or "item" or something that won or ended WWII!. He's bringing it to the school and to class so it obviously cant be extremely huge or heavy!.

also, he said its kept in a refridgerator!.
Everyones guessing, and I'm so CURIOUS!!
Anyone have any ideas!?!
You can just take a guess if you'd like!.

Now, if you want to, give me 10 points for my answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, what ended the war was the atomic bomb!. I don't think your teacher has one of those in their refrigerator!. I don't know what they are thinking of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It could be either Sulfanilamide or Penicillin, both of which saved countless Allied lives during WWII!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Penicillin is my guess!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

SPAM troops carried SPAM in their rations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the Hershey chocolate bar - gave the GI a sugar boostWww@QuestionHome@Com

i gotta go with the atomic bomb too!.!.!.

maybe he has a replica of one!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com