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Position:Home>History> What toys were used in the Victorian era? (20th century)?

Question: What toys were used in the Victorian era!? (20th century)!?
I need to know some toys /school supplies that kids used in the Victorian era!. SOme pictures and Links would be extremely helpful! These toys/school supplies need to be small and easy to make! Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm going to assume you mean the US!.The Victorian Era was in the 19th century!.
Toys: Dolls,rag dolls for poor children, porcelain faced dolls for the rich!.Rubber balls of various sizes and bean bags for tossing!.Ring toss, horse shoes!.Replica guns, bow&arrow!.
Baseball bats/gloves/balls!.Toy soldiers made of tin/lead/wood!. Marbles!.Jump ropes!.Wooden blocks!.Hobby horse(you don't see these much anymore!.A cloth or leather stuffed horse's head was attached to a broom stick!. The child straddled the stick and galloped along pretending to ride a horse!.Easy to make)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to www!.raggedsoldier!.com and take a look at their inventory!. Those are good examples of well-researched toys and games of the period!.Www@QuestionHome@Com