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Position:Home>History> Did cherokee had any connection with turkey-turkish b/c cherokee sure like turki

Question: Did cherokee had any connection with turkey-turkish b/c cherokee sure like turkish navy uniforms and adopted!?
And also it was there tradional dress for a while even to this dayWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It does seem that American Indians and Asians had some common ancestors; our knowledge of the peoples of the steppes is scant!. What we know results from a collision of peoples who moved west into reach of Europeans!.

Still, the separation has been quite long!. American Indians artifacts have been dated back to 6,000 BC, maybe 12,000 BC, and a newer theory speculates on 20,000 years here!.

We don't know of any exchanges between Asia and the New World, although exceptional voyages may have occurred with no real record!. The similarities then are purely historical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


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