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Question: History Question!?!?!?!?
Talking about John Locke and his dieas about Government, Do you think the government might have purposes that Locke did not mention!? Why or Why NotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Not when we were founded as John Locke was clearly the material used for our Declaration of independence, and the basic ideas that went into our government basis!. Limited government to support only those things that an individual can not be confident to do for himself, Like a mutual defense!.
However, over time we have created a Large government that is involved in all aspects of life!. So the question is really an opinion question, not one with a clear right or wrong answer,
Its more what do you think Government is doing is it need to be provided, or should citizens hold that power /control for themselves!. We go well beyond the intent of government as per Locke, but since it is a representive government the those policies are ones that we have Chosen as a power to give to the government , so you could just as well say It is right in with locke, that we agreed to place this power into the government, for what we feel it should do, so that government is not abusing its power then and breaking the contract we have given it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com