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Position:Home>History> German Jew names from world war two?

Question: German Jew names from world war two!?
does any one have any common names for german jews from world war 2!?

it is for a project that and i have to write a story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Anne FrankWww@QuestionHome@Com

anything ending in berg, anything ending in stein, anything ending in man (not mann)!.

look in your white pages and pull some names out that end that way!.


p!.s!. oh it didn't even occur to me you meant first names!. most jews even today have two sets of names, one in the language of their country of residence or citizenship, and one in hebrew or in some cases not IN hebrew but somehow functioning as the "hebrew" name; often they were yiddish names!. my hebrew name, for example, is genessa, but genessa is latin! obviously my mom didn't know that; obviously my great-great-bubby, who named my great-bubby that, didn't know either!.

so anne frank's hebrew name was probably hannah!.

rochel, sarah, rifkeh, tsipporah, chava, tsietl, charnah, chaya, malka, those are all some jewish girls' names!. mottl, yankl (that's yiddish for jacob), shimon (simon), elie, yonatan/johan in german, joseph, those are some boys' names!. they may have gone in public by thegerman translations, or by a german name that sounded similar!. and been called by their hebrew names at home!. you may wish to have your characters do that; it would be realistic!. if it's first names you're after, try this link: http://www!.babynamesworld!.com/ browse by origin and try to match up hebrew and german!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of jewish names are simply german names or german-yiddish names!. Same with jews from russia!. There are actually websites that list different jewish surnames and their variant spellings (some names are "hebraicized"(!?unsure of spelling))!. And of course there are people who are jewish who do not have stereotypical jewish surnames!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, if you mean famous famous families, then definitely Anne Frank!.
However, Hitler removed the German citizenships from Jews and took away their identities!. He gave all male Jews the name Israel and all female Jews Sarah!.Www@QuestionHome@Com