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Position:Home>History> I'm trying to find an article on the democracy in Greece; where should I loo

Question: I'm trying to find an article on the democracy in Greece; where should I look!?
I have to write a paragraph using an article about Greece!. It has to do with freedom, justice, social welfare, elections, or equality-- one of those 5!. I've been looking all over in google for a website that has an article but all I find are informative websites when what I really need is an article on an event that happened in Greece (preferably good)!.

Does anyone know a website that has an article on Greece democracy!? Please send me the link if you do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Here's a lot of stuff from their last major election!.

Did you know that Greeks have to vote!? It's against the law not to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com