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Question: History homework (castles), a little help!?
we have to do a report about the castles in medieval england!.

things to include:
1!.an explanation about why william I built castles
2!.a description of motte and bailey castles
3!.an analysis of how castle building changed during the medieval period
4!.pictures of the different types of castles
5!.an explanation about why they changed
6!. an explanation and diagram showing the differrent parts of a medieval castle!.

the problem is I dont really get number 3 and 5, can you help!? i know im so dumb but i really have a lot of homeworks to do so i need your help in this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the main reason was the strength as the older ones weren't good enough, therefore they needed the newer stone keep castles so they could defend Britain more efficiently, other than be raided and burnt down or whateverWww@QuestionHome@Com

they changed from quickly built wooden motte and bailey castles to stone castles that could take years and years to build
the wooden ones were built first so they had somewhere to defend themselves etc, and they lived here while the stone ones were being built

i think that's right anyway

Have a look at this website http://medieval-castles!.org/index!.php/wh!.!.!.

Think it should answer most of your questions - good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com