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Position:Home>History> Who was/ is the best world leader of all time and why? 10POINTS best answer?

Question: Who was/ is the best world leader of all time and why!? 10POINTS best answer!?
who is or was the best world leader of all time!? and whyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would say that Sir Winston Churchill was the best world leader of the Twentieth Century because he rallied a nation and the West against a Nazified Europe to which the West prevailed !. ( and the world !.)
Good luck with an interesting question !

whoever said thomas jefferson should jump off a cliff!.

Ghandi!. his peaceful style of protest was so good and so effective, it was used here in our civil rights movement!. For the first time ever, he showed the world that a rebellion does not mean mobs killing royalists and wars!. it can be peaceful!.

Maybe also Charlemagne, for the effectiveness of feudal society, which he created!. he picked up a world in ruins and put it together in an organized way!. Although not a "good ruler" he was a powerful, smart, and effective one!.

take your pick =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

This question is too subjective to really respond to- you'll need to quantify what you mean by "best!."

Do you mean who held the most power!? Who affected the most change!? Who made the most money!? Or ruled the most people!? or conquered the most territory!? or who has had the greatest impact on the future world!?

Jesus, Muhammed- as religious leaders!.
Genghis Kahn, his grandson Kublai!.
Abraham Lincoln!. Napolean!. Stalin!.
Augustus!. Alexander the Great!. the list could go one forever!.

Be more specific!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are asking for an opinion!. And then YOUR opinion is going to decided the BEST opinion!? What criteria will you be using--a magic 8 ball!? a Ouiji board!? print the answers and then throw a dart!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would say Augustus Caesar his rule was marked by the Pax Romanum four decades of peace!.This he did after a bloody civil war!.The Pax Romanum allowed for trade and commerce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ivan III of Russia - unified the dukedoms and began the fight against the Tatar yoke

Thomas Jefferson - too many reasons to listWww@QuestionHome@Com

"Best" is subjective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com