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Question: Iran Hostages!?
What were their emotions that they were feeling when they were released at the end of the Iran Crisis!.

What would you do and how would you feel doing it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I imagine, can′t say for sure, since I wasn′t actually one of them, that they were both relieved and afraid!. After having spent all that time in the dark, they were probably conditioned to a sort of claustrophobic condition, and they may not have known, as they were being released, whether they were being freed or taken to be murdered!.

Isn′t this awful! I can′t remember exactly how it came about! Did they get released by their captors!? or were they flat out rescued by a commando team!? Or did that commando team have to get called back because the mission was too dangerous!? Everything is so foggy from that period! (oh, yeah, I wasn′t even in the US, that year!. I was seeing everything through a different political spectrum!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com