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Position:Home>History> Help with FDR and his New Deal?

Question: Help with FDR and his New Deal!?
What did FDR do to help Recovery from the reat depression, and what did he reform and how!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
With the New Deal FDR created the Banking Relief Bill putting small struggling banks under the US treasury dept!. American banks, once about to close became healthy again!. He created a guarenteed deposits to people so they wouldn't worry about losing money in banks!.

He created the AAA to help struggling farmers and the Public Works Association (PWA) to help give people jobs!.
He also created the TVA to produce cheaper electrical energy for the mass public then the expensive monopoly companies did!.
He also created the SEC to regulate the stock economy and for the market to be fair!.Www@QuestionHome@Com