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Position:Home>History> How did the allies ultimately win in ww2?

Question: How did the allies ultimately win in ww2!?
how did these battles contribute to the allies winning in ww2,
which was the most crucial for the allie's success (other than dday)!?
-Battle of Britain
-Pearl Harbour
(It would also be great if you could also give me the years in which each battle took place)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
dunkirk(1940)-even though the allies were driven off from france, they saved the armies from being destroyed and they fought for another 5 years!.

battle of britain(1940)- the british protected their island from being conquered by the germans by winning the air!. if they lost, the war in europe would be over!.

stalingrad(1942-43)- the red army defeated an army which they believed is invincible!. the battle turned the tide of the war not only in the east, but the whole of europe!. it also changed the view of the russians that the german army is not invincible!.

pearl harbor(1941)-the u!.s!. navy is decimated in the japanese surprise attack but it provoked them to enter the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dunkirk - was when France got cornered to the sea by the Germans and were saved by the British which saved many troops for later battle!.

Battle of Britain - was when the German used perpetual air raids on the British isle!. The British refused to surrender and withstood the German attacks!. Hitler later called off the attacks when German planes were getting shot down by British radar!.

Battle of Stalingrad - (most crucial battle for Allies success) was when Germany went back on their treaty with the Soviet Union and invaded them!. Stalingrad was bittlerly cold and the Soviets had burned all food and land resources with their retreating from Germany attacks!. At Stalingrad many German soldiers were too cold to fight and hungry causing Germany to retreat in a humiliating defeat!. This was the turning point for the Allies and the beginning of defeat for Germany!.

Pearl Harbor - was when the Japanese attacked the US, provoking them to join the war!. With official US help and land troops it helped the Allied cause!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Battle of Britain fustrated Hitler and he suffered great losses as the brits had radar and everytime a bombing raid would come over the Royal Air force, although out numbered would wreek havoc!.
Pearl Harbor was an attack on US forces by Japan in the Pacific!. What it did was brought the US into WWII!. Japan, Italy and Germany were allies!. So war with Japan, was war with Germany!.
Stalingrad was a miserable defeat for Hitler because he wouldn't accept his generals suggestions!. He insisted they hold Stalingrad!. The Army was over extended, with low supplies and low moral!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dunkirk - prevented a large number of british troops from being captured by the Germans!.

Battle of Britain - If the RAF hadn't kept Germany out, there would have been no good staging point for the allies to invade Europe!.

Stalingrad - The soviets stopped the German advance and turned the tide of the war on the easter front!.

Pearl Harbor - got the US, with all of the manpower and industrial might directly involved in the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The allies won the battle because they decoded the communication of their enemies!. Because they knew the enemies' communication, they prepared their best defenses and offenses of the coming attack of the Germans and Japanese!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Battle of Britain and Stalingrad
Dunkirk 1940
Battle of Britain 1940
Pearl Harbor 1941
Stalingrad 1942/43Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sheer numbers and iron determination to see Germany through to the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com