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Question: I need a 200 word answer to this history question!!!!!!!?
Why did the Wiemar Republic collapse!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The reasons for the Weimar Republic's collapse are the subject of continuing debate!. It may have been doomed from the beginning since even moderates disliked it and extremists on both the left and right loathed it!. Germany had no democratic traditions and Weimar democracy was widely seen as chaotic!. And since Weimar politicians had been blamed for the "stab in the back" myth that was then widely believed in Germany as the real cause of the surrender of the German army in World War I, the popular legitimacy of the government was on shaky ground!.

No single reason can explain the failure of the Weimar Republic!. The most commonly asserted causes can be grouped into three categories: economic problems, institutional problems and the roles of specific individuals!.

The Weimar Republic had some of the most serious economic problems ever experienced by any Western democracy in history!. Rampant hyperinflation, massive unemployment and a large drop in living standards were primary factors!. In 1923-29 there was a short period of economic recovery, but the Great Depression of the 1930s led to a worldwide recession!. Germany was particularly affected because it depended heavily on American loans!. In 1932, about 5 million Germans were unemployed!. Many blamed the Weimar Republic!. This was made apparent when political parties on both right and left wanting to disband the Republic altogether made any democratic majority in Parliament impossible!.

The Weimar Republic was severely affected by the Great Depression triggered by the Wall Street Crash of 1929!. The crash and subsequent economic stagnation led to increased demands on Germany to repay the debts owed to the United States!. As the Weimar Republic was very fragile in all of its existence, the depression proved to be devastating, and played a major role in the NSDAP's takeover!.

It is widely agreed that the 1919 constitution had several weaknesses, making the eventual establishment of a dictatorship likely but it is unknown whether a different constitution could have prevented the Third Reich!. However, the 1949 West German constitution (the Grundgesetz) is generally viewed as a strong response!.

Some historians prefer to consider individuals and the decisions they made!. This brings up the problematic question of what alternatives were available at the time and leads to speculation and hypothesis!.

BrĂ¼ning's economic policy from 1930-1932 has been the subject of much debate!. It caused many Germans to identify the Republic with cuts in social spending and extremely liberal economics!. Whether there were alternatives to this policy during Great Depression is an open question!.

Paul von Hindenburg became Reichspr?sident in 1925!. He represented the older authoritarian 1871 Empire, and it is hard to label him as a democrat in support of the 1919 Republic, but he was never a Nazi!. During his later years (at well over 80 years old), he was also senile!. A president with solid democratic beliefs may not have allowed the Reichstag to be circumvented with the use of Article 48 decrees and might have avoided signing the Reichstag Fire Decree!. Hindenburg waited one and a half days before he appointed Hitler as Reichskanzler on January 30, 1933, which indicates some hesitance!. Some claim Nazism would have lost much public support if Hitler had not been named chancellor!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the first person to respond!. I am not being tasked with a two hundred word response to a history question for homework (and I've been of school for a number of years now) and even if I were I wouldn't be doing your homework for you!. Get the grade you deserve on your own (and hopefully with a little hard work that's an A) rather than the grade someone else deserves for doing the work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Frenchs oppressive policies in regions such as the Sudetenland!. The mass printing of deuctch marks just to make the inflation go sky high and make them worthless to get the French off their backs!. Unfair terms of the Treaty of Versailles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do your own homework lolWww@QuestionHome@Com