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Question: The Real Lincoln!?
Has anyone read the Real Lincoln by Thomas J!. DiLorenzo!? Can anyone give me a brief overview of it!? Main points and what not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Nope!. But Lincoln was one of the most disliked presidents of the time!. If a study were done of popularity and non popularity of presidents of their times, Lincoln would probably be number one and the current president number two ( in more ways than one )!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I cannot in good conscience recommend simply a summary of diLorenzo's book, because I find the work to be such an shoddy piece of work, an irresponsible and dishonest hit-piece!.

But I WILL point you to a couple of pieces that lay out and respond to his main "arguments", including the transcript of a debate between DiLorenzo and Harry Jaffa (one of the great Lincoln scholars of the last half century)!.

"Dishonest About Abe"
A review of The Real Lincoln: A New Look at Abraham Lincoln, His Agenda, and an Unnecessary War, by Thomas DiLorenzo,
By Tom Krannawitter

The Independent Policy Forum -- The Real Abraham Lincoln: A Debate (May 7, 2002)
Harry V!. Jaffa, Professor Emeritus of Government, Claremont McKenna College
versus Thomas J!. DiLorenzo, Professor of Economics, Loyola College

(I've read more recent works by DiLorenzo in which his misuse of texts is positively breath-taking!. In one instance he tries to prove something from a page of Doris Kearns Goodwin's *Team of Rivals* and carefully omits the MIDDLE item in a paragraph, clearly because it totally undercuts the point he's trying to make!. Similarly, with many of the quotes he --or his grad students!?-- reproduce from Lincoln's own speeches and writings, he simply STOPS in the middle of a paragraph, completely ignoring the final sentences, so missing the end, and of the MAIN point Lincoln was making!.!.!. to the point of contradicting him!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

definately disagree with the guy above me!.
i think lincoln was actually a great president!.
HE was the one who got rid of slavery in the south, and ended up being assassinated for it!.
he had this great speech at gettysburg still talked about today!.
he got the victory in the civil war!.

i think he was great, he was the guy looking out for future americans!.
i never read the book your asking about, but that is what i believe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com