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Position:Home>History> Would You Disagree or Agree With Rev Jeremiah Wright That The US Foreign Policy

Question: Would You Disagree or Agree With Rev Jeremiah Wright That The US Foreign Policy Led To 9/11!?
There is view that the 19 who destroyed the towers, section of Pentagon, !.!.!. were religiously driven including dreams of 72 virgins and joining the paradise!.
Others, believe that the act was pure political because of the presence of the US troops in Saudi Arabia and the US blind support of the US government of Israel killing 5,000 Palestinians monthly before the attacks and bombing and rge destructions if hundreds of Palestinian homes every week by US supplied airplanes and one ton bombs!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
US foreign policy is the pits!. The whole world seems to resent the US because of it!. The Government has played its role in the 9/11 trgedy!. Wright might seem and probably is a little off, but I am sure he has got some of it right!. It is just not good politics to be associated with someone who is speaking what the masses are thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This belongs in the politics section, not history!.

Did the US's foreign policy contribute to the motivation for the attacks!? Yes, surely!. US ("infidel") troops are in the same nation as the "holy city" of Mecca, that offends the fundamental Islamics!.

At the same time that is not all of it, or even most of it!. The US flies in the face of all that those people stand for!. We have better and happier lives than they can dream, and we have that while not bowing to their religion!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm with the foreign policy! It is the cause of the problem!. Its why the US is now regarded as the bully of the world!. And whilst they (US) fear nuclear proliferation, many small countries see that the people who are safe are those with nuclear capability!. And I think the rhetoric coming from Clinton in connection with Iran(the rest of the world really are tired of hearing about America kicking other countries ar5es when the truth is they get bogged down everywhere they go) show she is not going to make things better!. Their (Iran's) response has been considerably more mature!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"!.!.!.presence of the US troops in Saudi Arabia!.!.!."

After those words, everything that follows is utter nonsense!. Not even Hezbollah exaggerates that much!.

Consider your math: Kill 5,000 per month=60,000 per year!.
60,000 dead Palestinians times 60 years of US support for Israeli=3!.6 million dead!. There aren't enough Palestinians!Www@QuestionHome@Com

9/11 was the result of Osama and a few of his cronies wanting to disrupt American economic power and to show Americans that terrorism can reach America!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wright needs to make an appointment with his podiatrist to have his foot removed from his mouth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.If brains were made out of dynamite, Jeremiah Wright wouldn't have enough to blow the hair off a Bumble Bee's "dick"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


yes, US is a superpower that everybody wants to see it destroyedWww@QuestionHome@Com