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Position:Home>History> In your opinion, whos speech to the Stolen Generations was more appropriate, Joh

Question: In your opinion, whos speech to the Stolen Generations was more appropriate, John Howards or Kevin Rudds!?
Basically, Kevin Rudd used the word 'Sorry', whilst Howard did not!. How important is the word sorry really!? Other than that, their speeches pretty much went along the same lines!? Do you agree!?

This is for an essay I have for year 12, so it would be MUCH appreciated if you would give informed opinions!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
kevin rudd did not say sorry once, he said it several times during that speech!.
Sorry means: feeling or expressing regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone!. Obviously john howard did not feel this at all if he was unable to say this simple word!. S-O-R-R-Y!. He said that he didnt believe that he needed to apologise for the mistakes of his ancestors, does this mean he doesnt feel sorrow for it at all!? obviously not!.
This is what the aboriginal people had been yearning to hear for decades!. They did not want to hear about how much john howard regretted the actions of his ancestors, they wanted to hear an apology!. When you make a mistake don't you say say sorry to the person affected, so why is this any different!.!?
Ay apology can mend relationships, 'i regret the actions of my ancestors' cannot!. It makes it seem like john howard had too much pride to apologise!.
Kevin rudd showed he was a great leader when he apologised!. he did what every prime minister should do: deliver what the people want!. And the apology is exactly what the people wanted!. John Howard was unable to do thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

The "Report of the National Inquiry into the Separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children from Their Families", also known as "Bringing Them Home", tabled in the Federal Parliament on 26 May 1997 recommended that the Federal government apologise to the victims of the forced separations!. John Howard made a speech "expressing regret" for the "Stolen Generation", but regret is not an acknowledgement of guilt!. An apology acknowledges the wrong that has been done by the state and Federal governments in the past!.

also, a few years before, the Vatican apologised to Indigeneous Peoples around the world for past abuses by the Catholic Church!.Www@QuestionHome@Com