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Position:Home>History> What period in history would you belong to?

Question: What period in history would you belong to!?
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If I had a chance to live in any time in history - it would have to be directly linked to what I did for a living!. I mean I would love to be trading with China in 1840's or being on a ship going to the New World BUT at the same time I wouldn't want to be some peasants living in the slums of London dodging the plague!. That would have to play a part in my decision!.

So if I was a rich person - I would love the to live in King's Courts in France in the early 18th or 17th century - just to know what it's like to live in sheer luxury!. As selfish as it sounds, it would be something I would like to check out!. Having that kind of money back then gave people pure freedom - not happiness but freedom (that's all money gives you - not happiness but freedom)!.

However, my curiosity makes it that I would want to check out all of the past!. Even to check out Athens in the time of Plato, Socrates and Aristotle (that would make me a dude who lived a long time)!. Then I would like to travel with Alexander the Great and his conquering over the Persians!.

You know what you be neat!. Is to live in the past but have today's technology!. Living through the Rome's war between Augustas and Mark Antony - and being able to fly back and forth from Rome and Alexandria!. Or get on my plane and check out Jesus!. Sounds sort of nuts but it would be cool!.

It's a funny question to ask people!. I mean wouldn't you love to experience the summer of love in 1968 and 1969!. You have to wonder if the experience has been "glorified" over time - living through it may have actually been tough!. Living like a hippie may sound like freedom and the idea of free love (which trust me, I would of loved -LOL) but I can guarantee you it wasn't all that fun - I've actually heard that from former hippies!.!.

I suppose that makes me a hack and a total HAM in the way I answered this simple question with a bunch of difference answers but then again - but I can't just pick ONE TIME IN HISTORY!. I don't have a problem with experiencing life today!. The fact that I live in a society that enable me to learn all the history that passed - name another time in history where at a click of a button I can find out about the Battle of Hastings or Agricultural Revolution!. I was a history major in college and I consider myself an amateur historian (which means I'm too lazy to go back to school and try and get published)!. I can remember the late 80's when I was in college actually realizing that I was having the time of my life and would remember these days fondly - and I really do!. I can remember times in my life when I remember thinking to myself "I'm genuinely happy" THAT WAS ALWAYS FOLLOWED UP WITH SOMETHING TERRIBLE!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The magic years from 1890 to 1914!. All major scientific advances, radio, aeroplanes, electric light, the motor car and much more - it must have seemed that all the writings of Jules Verne were coming true!.
The Great War (WW1) put a stop to all that and the inventions were used to destroy instead of nourish!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Victorian, Edwardian, and Renaissance!. I love the clothes and the art from those time periods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Victorian England----ooooh I can just see my pretty dress and a tall, dark, handsome British stranger standing in a corner---thank you very much for your question!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i belong to the future babes!
i was born at least a century too early!.!.!.sucks huh!?

but maybe the french revolution!.!.!.or the roaring 20s(only if i were white though!. sucks being black during that time)Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably the early 1900's maybe even in the elizabethan era!.!.!.beautiful and ornate clothes and lots of interesting people!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The new millennium!. Iraq war, reality T!.V, cellphones, You tube!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whichever one carmen sandiago is in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have liked to live in in the 1940's, 30's or 50's although I would not have been a submissive house wife!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I would love to have been around during The American Revolution!.!. :pWww@QuestionHome@Com

Mideval ROCKS with the swords and battles and treasure and all that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1840 to 1880

For The Indian wars
Tha capital would be in South Dakota nowWww@QuestionHome@Com

French romance time of Luis XIV!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really think I would have fit in with the Italian Renaissance!. 1500's EuropeWww@QuestionHome@Com