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Question: Hitler/Stalin!?
I dont get it!.!.!.i have always known how bad Hitler is because it seems like its always a topic in school or tv!. just the other day i found out that stalin killed MILLIONS MORE!.!.!.how come it seems like no one ever talks about it!.!.i didnt even know who stalin was!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all, Stalin was our nominal ally during WWII!. Roosevelt, and especially Churchill didn't trust him, but his troops were fighting vast numbers of German soldiers who otherwise would be fighting on the western front!.

More importantly, the Nazis felt a need to document their crimes!. Captured film at the end of the war was proof of the atrocities!. The Russians were more secretive about their atrocities!. Word got out much later and from fewer sources!.

Finally, the survivors of the Holocaust, their relatives and others want to keep these horrors in the public eye!. Many Russian victims were peasants or less well educated, and tend to be content to suffer in silence!.

Stalin was a mass murderer!. Mao was probably worse, yet some revere him as a great statesman!. And many of us have forgotten about Pol Pot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have always wondered that myself!. It could be because Hitler mainly directed his exterminations toward minorities!. Of course, we know the major minority were the Jews and the Jewish people have made serious attempts not to hide the fact from the world!. They also made (and still are) attempts to bring to trial all of those individuals that persecuted them during the war!.

Stalin was a paranoid psychopath of the Soviet Union who was the dictator of the USSR after Lenin died!. Stalin died in 1953!. Stalin just did not care who or how many people he killed as long as it served his own interests!. One example is that at one time he had to make a decision whether to improve the industrial aspects of the USSR or feed his people!. He opted for the former and as a result tens of millions of Russians suffered and died!. The estimates of the deaths of Russians were in excess of 20 million and this did not include wartime deaths!. In my opinion he was the greatest monster the world has ever known!. I sure am thankful that my grandparents left Russia before Stalin came to power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Welcome to revisionist history, as most in the press are progressives and progressives are socialists and socialists are students of Marxism and Marxism is communism and Stalin was "the" communist leader of the 20th century!. Do you think the press wants to let the cat out of the bag!? So what if he killed say like 30 million people!? Who are you to judge!? Search the truth for yourself and look in old history books for answers!. A good place to look is used bookstores!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitlers actions, while less than Stalin as numbers go, is far more emotional!. His actions where racist based, singling out mainly the Jewish people for extermination!. Stalin, on the other hand, just liked cleaning house and didn't know when to stop!.

It's easier for us to accept a mad man killing tens of millions for no reason than to accept a mad man killing millions for flawed reasons!.

You'll find this to be the case with most issues!. It's not the magnitude that draws attention, it's the emotional impact!. We don't care much if the neighbor kills his dog one day, but if we find it sprawled in blood on a pentagram in his back yard, that will raise some eyebrows!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he wasn't as bad, but unlike hitler he madly killed his own race and hid the truth from his people!. and at least they were shot and not torturedWww@QuestionHome@Com