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Position:Home>History> Famous Women of Ancient Rome?

Question: Famous Women of Ancient Rome!?
i need to create a modern day magazine!. the magazine must consist of the following 3 women, Atalanta, Helen, and Cleopatra!. the Articles must contain information on the girls such as how was the women!? where and when was she born!? what was she famous for!? so i need all that information and any ideas on how to set up my magazine!. there must also be a title page for the magazine so any ideas on how to set that up!?

I want the magazine to be modernized, so that you bring the stories with a little 21st century twist to it!.

so any help would be greatly appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Atlanta is from an ancient greek myth, she is famous for running very fast; Helen was the wife of the SPartan King in Homer's Iliad; Cleopatra was born in Alexandria, Egypt, under the Ptolemy line; she is famous for being delivered to Julius Ceasar in a rolled up carpet, and committing suicide with Marc Antony after his plan with Brutus to take over rome disintegrated!. Do a little research!.!.!.!.
There are worlds of information out there!. Enjoy!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope you don't expect us to hand it to you on a silver platter!? Then the name of your magazine would have to be "Plagiary"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com