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Position:Home>History> How many Israeli,s had got Noble prize?

Question: How many Israeli,s had got Noble prize!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Robert Aumann, Germany, Economics, 2005
Aaron Ciechanover, Chemistry, 2004
Avram Hershko, Hungary, Chemistry, 2004
Daniel Kahneman, Economics, 2002
Yitzhak Rabin, Peace, 1994
Shimon Peres, Poland, Peace, 1994
Menachem Begin, Poland, now Belarus, Peace, 1978
Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Austria, Literature, 1966

8 laureates -- according to wikipedia!.org
The Nobel site (http://nobelprize!.org/nobel_prizes/lists!.!.!. does not appear to allow searching by country/location!.

Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Robert Aumann, Germany, Economics, 2005
2!. Aaron Ciechanover, Chemistry, 2004
3!. Avram Hershko, Hungary, Chemistry, 2004
4!. Daniel Kahneman, Economics, 2002
5!. Yitzhak Rabin, Peace, 1994
6!. Shimon Peres, Poland, Peace, 1994
7!. Menachem Begin, Poland, now Belarus, Peace, 1978
8!. Shmuel Yosef Agnon, Austria, Literature, 1966Www@QuestionHome@Com
