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Position:Home>History> Essay help about 17th century France art history!?

Question: Essay help about 17th century France art history!!?
here is the prompt!. "Imagine you are a well-known artist living in Paris in 1699!. An eager young man comes to you for information on how to advance his career!. Write a letter to this young person with advice on what he should do to become a successful artist in late 17th century france!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1699 would have been towards the end of Louis XIV reign as king!. Your best bet would be to secure a patron -- either a wealthy merchant, or even better, a royal!. The most successful artists of the time did most of their commissions for the royals and aristocracy!.

Louis XIV:

Here is what the National Gallery of Art has on 17th century French art!. Should give you an idea of what people of that era liked:

Since its 1699, here are some sites on 18th century art as well: