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Question: Modern History!.!.!.!.!?
Anyone got any ideas of a person who's had a significant role in history!.!.!.!.!.!?
Someone no one is quite familiar with!.!.!.no one like JFK or anything!.!.!. i want to make it interesting!. pleasee:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
~Actually, if you write the truth about Kennedy it will be not only interesting but you will be writing about someone no one is familiar with!. Look into his drug addictions, his myriad of girlfriends, his mob ties, his use of LSD while in the White House, his role in the assassinations of numerous leaders of other countries, his lies about the so-called missile gap, the strings his daddy pulled to get him in the navy and how his numerous chronic and debilitating health conditions put not only his boat and crew and squadron at risk, but the entire fleet, he secret and illegal war in Laos and Cambodia, or how he was almost deposed by a joint coup contemplated by the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the CIA!. Debunking the myth of the martyr should not only be entertaining but highly educational!.

Pol Pot might be fun, but be sure to include the CIA role in putting him power so he was in the position to kill almost 25% of the Cambodian people!.

Ralph Abernathy, Stokely Carmichael or Medgar Evers might be worth a look!. How about Benazir Bhutto!?

These are only a few from the latter half of the twentieth century!. You don't list a time frame!. Significant role in history in what way!? Jeff Beck and Jimmy Page certainly had significant impacts in their field as did Enrico Fermi or Allen Ginsberg or Andy Warhol in theirs!. Leon Trotsky is fascinating and so is Che Guevara!. Wovoka might be a neat change of pace!. Surely you can come up with someone with so many scores of thousands to choose from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look up the Chicago Seven!. Check under Yippies!. The extreme part of the Vietnam Anti-war movement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Russel Means
Dennis Banks
Leonard Pellitere

2 Founders of AIM -And the only political prisoner in the USAWww@QuestionHome@Com