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Position:Home>History> Weapons developed from 1950-1980?

Question: Weapons developed from 1950-1980!?
what are some weapons that were developed from 1950-1980!? doesnt matter what type of weapons!.

please and thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
automatic rifles, notably the ak-47 and the m-14, m-16; mach 1 fighters, mach 2 fighters, mach 3 fighters; guided missiles: air to ground, air to air, surface to air, nuclear powered submarines and ships, intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarine launched nuclear missiles, intercontinental range bombers, lasers, computer systems, hydrogen bombs, thermonuclear devices, stealth technology, spy satellites, multi-ton tanks, attack and transport helicopters!. there are more but i'm drawing a blank right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The !.30 caliber machine gun

The M-60 Tank

The M-1 Abrams tank

The Bradley Infantry Fighting vehicle (tank treads)

The Stryker Infantry Fighting vehicle (wheels)

The Stoner sub machine gun

The Ingram Mac-10 submachine gun

The electronic gattling gun "Mini gun"!.

The Cobra attack helicopter

The Apache attack helicopter

The nuclear submarine (USS NAUTALIS 1964)!.

The A10 attack aircraft 'The Warthog'

The Stealth fighter and bomber

The B-1 bomber (supersonic bomber)Www@QuestionHome@Com

AK - 47
M-60 Machine Gun
Stoner Sub-machine gun
CAR - 15
AR - 10
Cobra Attack Helicopters
Phantom F-4 JetsWww@QuestionHome@Com