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Position:Home>History> Is it true that America's white settlers had killed many of the Native Ameri

Question: Is it true that America's white settlers had killed many of the Native American people!?
I was surprised how brutal and devlish the white American blood will be to kill Native American people!. Were the ancestors of the white Americans really cannibals!?!. Really I don't know!. I read in one book about America's history!. Please clear my doubts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
~While the US Bureau of Indian Affairs campaign of genocide was real (as were the Spanish campaigns in Central and South America and in the Caribbean) and many of the pioneers who took Indian lands did believe that "The only good Indian is a dead Indian", the Europeans and their US successors were not doing anything to the Indians that the Indians hadn't been doing to one another for centuries!. By force of numbers, better weaponry, more advanced technologies and better transportation, the Europeans just did a far more thorough and complete job of it!. Ritual cannibalization was a custom shared by many Native American tribes!. There were undoubtedly isolated acts of cannibalization by the whites!. Most Native cultures, just like the whites, considered cannibalism a crime and the penalty was frequently execution!.

You cannot possibly read a single book or a single article (and certainly not a textbook) to get at anything that resembles the truth, any more than you can expect to get it on this site!.

The conquest of the Americas by the Europeans is nothing different than the conquest of Europe by the Teutons, of the known western world by Alexander or by Cyrus, Xerxes and Darius before him!. War and conquest is part of the human condition and every civilization in the history of mankind has engaged in it!. When the enemy is of a different race, the massacres are perhaps more complete but not necessarily so!. Throw religion into the mix and the blood really starts to pour!. For Asian examples of similar conduct, look to the Khmer Rouge, Timur (Tamerlane), Kofun Japan, the "Three Kingdoms of Korea" or the Zhou dynasty in China!.

Edit: The diseases were a critical part of the campaign!. Initially, the natives were highly susceptible to European diseases such as syphilis, smallpox and measles which diseases did not exist in the Western Hemisphere until the European arrival!. Many died from casual exposure!. Later, during the Reservation roundups and the wars on the Plains, the Indians were deliberately given rancid meat and provided with blankets that had been infested with measles and smallpox!. Biological warfare is nothing new!.

Another equally heinous way the Plains Indians were killed off was by the slaughter of Buffalo!. The Bison was not only the staple of the Indian diet, but it provides tools (from the bones) and shelter and clothing (from the hides)!. The bison were hunted to near extinction (there once were millions of them) in an effort to starve the Indians and the carcasses were left to rot on the plains!. Sometimes the tongues were extracted (buffalo tongue was a delicacy) and sometimes the hides were taken, but as often as not the animals were simply shot and abandoned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They mostly killed them with disease!. They weren't cannibals though!.

At first the white settlers actually relied on the Native Americans for survival!. As whites started to go west though, yes they did start to kill Native Americans for land!. But to be fair the Indians weren't "nice" either!. They killed whites too, sometimes brutally!. Indians would "scalp" whites by cutting the top of their heads off as trophies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i doubt they were cannibals, except in the instance of that one family stuck in the rockies on their way to california!. christopher columbus's crew apparently cut off the hands of the native caribbean people!.

yes, the whites were horrible to the indians, who learned to hate them too!. both sides were brutal, but eventually the white man won, so to speak, and the indians were subdued!. the whole thing sucks, and is an embarrassing part of our history!. no wonder native americans are disgusted!. at the same time, as a white, i have been treated like crap on reservations!. and the whole thing continues!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never heard anything about cannibals!. Yes white settlers murdered natives, but far more were killed by the diseases Europeans brought over from the motherland!. Native Americans had not been exposed to communicable diseases, so about 70-90% of the native population died due to exposure to small pox and tuberculosis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There were isolated incidents of cannibalism but was it a common practise!? no it was not!. As others have mentioned it was mainly diseases that killed Native Americans!.

There are many examples of less than perfect behaviour on the part of European settlers with regards to their treatment of Native Americans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Whites were pretty mean to the Indians (not cannibals though)!. We murdered the Indians whenever possible to steal their land!.

But what really killed the Indians were the white man bugs!. Diamond in "Guns, Germs and Steel" says that the white man bugs killed 92% of the American Indians which is just a frightful number!. Our plagues went through these people like a sythe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

About as soon as they stepped off the Mayflower and the first group of natives finished helping them to survive the first winter, European began killing as many natives as they possibly could either deliberately or by way of infection!.!.I don't think they were cannibals!.!.!.just ChristiansWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yep that's absolutely true!. The Indians are the true Americans, hence "Native American"!. The early settlers who established this country killed them and stole their land!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you see a lot of them around!?

You shouldn't look at it, though, American white settlers!. More like European settlers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am part Cherokee!. Read our story called The Trail Of Tears!.


Cannibals-No but everything else you could think of

The trail of tears was the Cherokee's own fault in truth

OK fine but it was The ones that did "NOT SELL" their land their people still live there today-The ones that "DID" sell had no where to go but Oklahoma and had to go there Jefferson Bought it from them and they were not forced to sell itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Not cannibals, but yeah, they killed alot of Native Americans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ever hear of cowboys and indians!?!.!.sad though huh!?Www@QuestionHome@Com


Google or read the Trail of Tears!.
It will tear your heart out and it is true U!.S!. history!Www@QuestionHome@Com