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Position:Home>History> Wouldn't you love to see a history debate between a WWII expert and Wright?

Question: Wouldn't you love to see a history debate between a WWII expert and Wright!?
Wright doesn't know squat-diddly and he makes up stories that never happened and twists reality!.

I'd love to see him screwed to the wall for his obvious hateful lying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You have to remember, he would never allow such an event to happen!. He would lose credibility with those who actually believe in him!.
He is out for himself, his own people and his own pocketbook!. He has found something that his believers are willing to follow and he is running it into the ground!. So much so that instead of helping one of his church get elected, he is now hurting their chances more than he knows!.
As for WWII, he most likely doesn't know much of what he is speaking about!.
Wright is like most people with an agenda!. The more they talk, the more air time they get and the media plays up to it, because its controversial and makes for a good story!. But the old saying definitely applies to Wright:
Let people think you're stupid, rather than open your mouth and prove them right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Can you give some examples of things he said, and proof that he is lying about those specific things!?

Not that you can't dislike him, but since this is a discussion about HISTORY, I'm just waiting for us to get to the history part of your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I doubt that Rev!. Wright would bother to listen to the truth!.

Ward Churchill also made outrageous statements, but refused to listen to any rebuttals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com