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Position:Home>History> Who wrote the WW1 Serbian song, Tamo Daleko?

Question: Who wrote the WW1 Serbian song, Tamo Daleko!?
I know it was a Serbian soldier who was in Corfu, after withdrawing from Serbia in November 1915, due to a Austro-Hungarian & Bulgarian offensive (which resulted, unfortunately, in the occupation of Serbia by those countries for a few years)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is considered by some the anthem of every Serb soldier that leaves his family and goes to fight for his country!. The song is sung by a soldier on the island of Corfu, following the withdrawal of the Serbian Army through northern Albania after Serbia was overrun by the Central Powers!.
There has been several alleged authors for this song, although the first version is atribuited to King Stefan Uros!.
Several following versions exist today, but it is uncertain which one is the original!.

There is no single author of this song!.That is a song our soldiers began to sing when they got to Corfu!.It was probably created by a group of soldiers and then it spread across the units!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The song has many versions, as it sprang up with no clear, single author!.Www@QuestionHome@Com