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Position:Home>History> This is for the US during WW2?

Question: This is for the US during WW2!?
How did rationing affect the country!?
Why were women so important in the war effort!?
How did the war affect rural life!? Urban life!?
What types of new jobs were created because of the war!?
What items were rationed and why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
food staples such as sugar, flour, meat, coffee, butter, milk, eggs, etc were rationed!. Since the US was shipping food to men who were not helping to produce food, the amount of food available went down!. For those living in the country raising laying hens or milch cows, it was slightly easier to obtain such restricted foods!.
Steel, rubber, silk, nylon, and similar supplies were used to make airplanes, parachutes, and other military supplies!.
The US had a much easier time than say, Britain, which was practically starving by the end of the war!. It made it harder for Americans to obtain things they originally took for granted, and they had to live off of ration coupon books!.
Women were important because so many men had been drafted, first in preparation for the war, then in response to loss of life on the battle field!. Manufacturors said that women would cause the quality control to go up within the company (they made fewer mistakes and were more detail oriented)!. Other groups that replaced whit males in factories were African Americans, migrant workers and rural people!.
The war created new industries such as airplanes, steel frames, etc, or other materials in larger amounts than ever before needed!. Childcare to take care of working women's children also grew!. The housing industry built more houses as more people moved ot cities to work!.
The cities grew, the rural population shrank!.
I could go on forever, but hope this helps some!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One thing that had to be rationed were pantihose!. The nylon was used for the troops!. another thing was platinum!. Platinum became illegal to use so that they could use it to detonate bombs!. Women entered the workforce and became known as Rosie the Riveters!. they did alot of work with steel!. Everyone pitched in, and helped the war effort in any way they could!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

u doing home work lol (i know the answer haha a got a standerd grade in history lololWww@QuestionHome@Com