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Position:Home>History> The impact of propaganda in WWI.?

Question: The impact of propaganda in WWI!.!?
Discuss the impact of propaganda in WWI!. What were the chief features of propaganda for each side!? How did this propaganda influence the domestic front!? The soldiers!? Much of this propaganda was grossly distorted, if not outright false!. How did peoples react when they realized that their government had been feeding them such distorted propaganda!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On the US side, this produced profound anti-German sentiment!. Some people with German first names changed their names (most notably, Adolph "Harpo" Marx became Arthur Marx) and the term "hot dog" came into use in lieu of "frankfurter" (the attempt to rename "hamburger" turned out less successfully!.)

I thought that this sort of thing was a relic of a bygone age, until Congress passed a resolution a few years ago to protest French opposition to the Iraq war by renaming French fries as "freedom fries"!.,Www@QuestionHome@Com